Okay, so it wasn’t really a “bad” year, just difficult in the last month or so. But I’m glad it’s almost over anyways – time for a fresh start!
Okay, so it wasn’t really a “bad” year, just difficult in the last month or so. But I’m glad it’s almost over anyways – time for a fresh start!
Santa Claus is coming - are you ready? I hope he brings me some fun new nail art stuff...
This week's manicure is all about China Glaze and clay canes. I started with CG "Emerald Sparkle", and topped it with a thin coat of CG "Tinsel" for that frosted, sugary look. Then just a coat of top coat to set the cane Santas and candy canes in, and another top coat to finish. Unfortunately, I didn't get the clear clay in the crook of the candy canes pressed down tightly enough, so you can still see them if you look close enough. But I did get them sliced fairly thin - they stick up less than a regular rhinestone does above the polish. I wish I could have gotten the Santas sliced a bit thinner - it's hard to see where to slice on the white cutting board I've been using. Time for a colored board, maybe?
Here's a flash picture - in the right light, these are very sparkle-y nails (though for some reason, the flash makes the clear clay around the Santas stand out more - that doesn't actually happen even in bright light):I *will* get the hang of cutting the cane slices thinner - it's a resolution for the new year!
Merry Christmas, everyone! Have a safe and happy holiday... and beautiful nails, too!
Labels: clay, fancy, holiday, Monochrome
I know, it's not Tuesday...but I was going to try to get a better picture of these before posting. Doesn't look like that's going to happen (the better picture) - just no time, so I'll just post them as is.
I had grandiose ideas for swirly peppermint red on white designs, with the clay cane peppermints on top. Things have been a little crazy around here lately though, so I had to go for "quick and easy" instead. They still turned out pretty well, I think...
The base is China Glaze "Ruby Pumps" - one of the most popular polishes ever, and also one I just got finally after months of watching other people wear it! It's very sparkly, a bright blue-toned red that is perfect for Christmas. The white stripes are just Sinful "Snow Me White" using a striper brush, and of course the peppermints are from a clay cane that I sliced. I'm very proud of myself for slicing them super-thin this time...they barely stick up off the nail at all (less than a decal/sticker would). Woohoo! I'm getting better...
Next week, full-on Christmas nails for the holiday.
I was lazy this week – and conveniently enough, I had some snowflake decals that had come on
Emerald Sparkle
Ruby Pumps
Labels: casual, fancy, holiday, Monochrome
I wasn't quite ready for Christmas this week, but snow was coming in this week (indeed, it's snowing outside my window now), so I decided on a snow ball theme. The base color is Zoya Indigo, a very dark navy with tiny sparkles, which shows a little better with a flash (below).
Unfortunately, the flash makes my super-shiny topcoat seem a bit mangled, but you can sort of see what a lovely dark blue Indigo is there. I used Sinful "Snow Me White" for the snowballs, with crystals here and there for subtle random sparkle. The design was shamelessly copied by Never Too Much Glitter's First Snowfall post. I'll admit, I was first going to do the snow drifts, with teardrop rhinestones falling from them, but it was late at night (again) and I just couldn't make it work. Next time, maybe.
I got a fun new toy yesterday too - the Spafinder manicure/pedicure set from Avon. I bought it for my toes - my one experience years (and years) ago with an electric file on my fingernails was not good, to say the least. But I put the batteries in, and the filing cone on last night, and decided it wasn't powerful enough to do *too* much damage. So I used it to file and buff my fingernails last night, and wouldn't you know - it worked great! No tip damage, although I will have to be careful with the buffing tools, and I think it actually took longer than just using a glass file like I normally do. Kind of fun though, and I'm sure it will work great on my toes (the metal files are for feet, in case you were wondering).Next week starts three weeks of Christmas manicures...
Last week, I couldn't help myself, and ordered some clay canes from BeautyTech (linked to the right). Basically, these are made from fimo or other clays, and rolled together into a pattern, then reduced to itty-bitty diameters for nail art (and other things, of course). Above you can see some of the canes I bought - I picked out several, and got two "grab bags" of ends/imperfects. I'm pretty pleased with what I ended up with...
Labels: casual, clay, holiday, multi-color
Labels: casual, marbled, multi-color
Welcome to the new blog! As you can see, I've copied some of my favorite designs from The Variety Pages to get started. Here's my design for this week.Last night was an exercise in frustration for my manicure. I wanted to do some marbling...but the "dot and swirl" method wasn't working, and neither did the water marbling method. Apparently I need to read up on those more, and figure out what I'm doing wrong.
So I finally settled on this fall plaid pattern, and while it could be better, I don't think it turned out too badly....
Colors Used:
China Glaze "Cross Iron"
OPI 24k Ginza Gold
Milani "Mr. Sandman"
I am going to figure out the marble effect one of these days...I almost had it with the water method, so hopefully I'll be able to pull that off soon!
Labels: casual, multi-color
Yep, it's Election Day! As an independent voter, I'll be voting for candidates of both major parties today, and possibly even a Constitution Party candidate (luckily I still have a few hours to make up my mind). This is my nod to politics for the week...yin and yang, checks and balances, all the things that make democracy great.
These are Zoya Colors - the red is Valentina, the blue is Kotori. I love them because they're so sparkly, but not thick glitter, so they'll still come off easily. I did the red first, then layered the blue on top, and used the white stripe in the center to hide my not-so-straight lines.
Whatever you do today, and whatever your nails look like, don't forget to vote!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…it’s all good, right? At least I managed a manicure before the party we have to attend on Saturday night, even though I do wish I’d gone with my original idea now. Oh well. No time to change it, so what I have will have to do.
I have so many Halloween nail ideas in my head (especially after spending a lot of time lurking on a professional nail art board lately) that I couldn’t decide what to start with this week. On the one hand, it feels a bit early for Halloween nails (even though I’ve been living and breathing the holiday for several weeks now), but on the other, I’m totally into it, even if other people aren’t yet.
In any case, as you can see, I decided on webs this week. They’re easy to paint (I used a black striper brush), and personally, I don’t think they should look “perfect” (which is probably because mine don’t). Why yellow instead of orange? Because I wanted to save the orange for the actual Halloween week…heaven forbid my nails are the same color twice for Halloween.
The real beauty of these though is only evident at night. I started with two coats of OPI “Mega-Watt?” yellow, and covered that with two coats of Fantasy Glow-in-the-Dark polish (which has a yellow/green tint, but dries to nearly clear). The webs are painted on over the glow polish, so at night, my nails light up bright green, and the webs are highlighted as black shadows against the glow. Very cool.
Unfortunately, I’m still trying to figure out how to photograph my nails in the dark while they’re glowing. Even under a black light, I think my dig. Camera gives off too much light from the buttons and display. So this weekend, I’m going to get my old web cam out – the one with no lights, no flash, and see if that will work. This design really is more impressive in the dark, and I’d love to be able to show it off! So hopefully next week I’ll have pictures of that to post.
Labels: casual, holiday, Monochrome
Labels: Blue nail design, Flowers, Pictures only, Stamping Nail-Art
After couple weeks that i was playing with the stamping kit, i finally et missed to the real hand painting nail art, which result in this crazy "color explotion" desighn. By the way right now i am all in the pink color, like trying to catch leaving bright summer. So i think that with pink outfit those nails may look interesting. I used regular wet technique .
This design works on any polish color, any nail shape, any ocation and even on any moode.
Really easy and fast to do, so i call it lazy solution he he. I just drow black and silver curved lines on the pastel purple base.
Labels: Pictures only, Pink nail design, Toe nails
Another rushed nail job last night…but they didn’t turn out too badly. I really need some more nail “jewels”…so I’ll have to place an order soon. I need to replace my Stripers too, but I think I may order some nail art pens from Nubar, for better control.
In any case, I like this design. It’s edgy, simple, and Nocti’s Nip and Tuck is a great “in between” summer and fall color. I did manage to ruin a thumbnail last night, unfortunately, but these things happen…
Labels: casual, Monochrome
Labels: Pictures only, Pink nail design, Stamping Nail-Art
Some happy brightness after a week of rest for my nails! This color went on so smooth and I was really rushing to get it done in a hurry with so much to do last night. It turned out quite well for the rush though, I think. I was going to make the silver lines fragmented, so they would look like zippers with green rhinestone pulls. But my silver polish is about gone, and it’s getting thick, so easier thought than done. But they don’t look too bad as bolos or necklaces, do they?
The color is Zoya Audrina, and it’s not only the perfect pinkish purple, but an amazing formula that is super-easy to apply without lines or bubbles. I was very impressed!
Labels: casual, fancy, Monochrome
Labels: Flowers, French manicure, Pictures only, Stamping Nail-Art
Could not resist to try my stamping kit again! I am absolutely in love with tis product. This time doing those nails took me about 20 minutes only. I found online an advise to use stamping kit with the turned off air condition.Sounds crazy, but this time it all worked just fine, even the green side of the stamper. And also this time i made much less mess. The trik is to use a paper towel to clean the scraper instead of the cotton party, so the fibers wont stik on the scraper and image plates. I am absolutely in love with my nails with this design. Base coat is Loreal 230
Labels: Articles, Flowers, Pictures only, Pink nail design, Stamping Nail-Art
Labels: Pictures only, Pink nail design, Toe nails
Yestoday received the package with my Konad stamping nail art kit.
Labels: Nail design technologies, Stamping Nail-Art, Video
Some cool summer designs for toe nails that i made today for me ( green) and my friend Lena.
Both designs are wet manicure flowers, just with the different colors.
Labels: Flowers, Pictures only, Toe nails, Wet Nail-art
Today’s nail art is brought to you by…my feet. Yep – I simply copied the very simple diagonal stripe pattern that I did on my toes a couple weeks ago to my nails. Easy, and I think it looks like stripes of sugar. Felicity is a nice, light polish for summer, though I’m not sure about the color with my tanned fingers. It will definitely be lovely next spring though, against my normally ghost-colored winter skin!
What I used:
1 coat Zoya Anchor base coat
3 coats Zoya Felicity
Clear glitter Stripe Rite polish
2 coats Zoya Armor top coat
Next week, some lovely pastels from Zoya…gotta wear them before fall gets here!
Labels: casual, Monochrome
Labels: Flowers, Pictures only, Pink nail design, Wet Nail-art
Labels: Blue nail design, Pictures only
Here are some of the works of one of my favorite professional nail master. I get a greate inspiration from her workd and really admire it. Even thouth i am not a professional and nail-art is only my hobby.
Labels: Nail Masters